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Classes & Workshops

Mindful Flow Yoga

Amy offers live breath-centric, alignment based yoga classes twice a week via Zoom. Her thorough understanding of anatomy and the subtle body are interwoven with philosophical concepts for a yoga practice that goes beyond just the physical poses. Classes are online so that you can practice easily from anywhere. Additionally, you are able to subscribe to her video library for on-demand classes if the Zoom class times don't work for your schedule. Sign up


Yoga for the Pelvic Floor

Have you ever found yourself wondering if you might benefit from doing pelvic floor exercises? The pelvic floor muscles are a vital part of our body's core structure, providing support to our organs, aid in breathing, maintaining continence, and contributing to sexual function. Additionally, how we breath, feel, think, and move are all reflected in our pelvis. Despite the critical importance of the pelvic floor, these muscles are often overlooked and not given the attention they deserve.

This bundle includes a foundational workshop on yoga for the pelvic floor, as well as six practice classes (60-75mins each) where you will be empowered with an in-depth understanding of the pelvis, as well as how yoga can help to restore and strengthen it with breath and movement.

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Yoga Foundations

This introductory level, self-paced course teaches foundational yoga poses, movements, and breathing, one step at a time. Amy demystifies yoga and shows you how to adapt yoga to your body. Read more


Nourishing Your Body

Nourishing Your Body is a 2-month/8-session immersion to help get clear on the best way to eat for your body, and supports you in understanding nutrition, using a functional, whole foods, and evidence-based model. Open to women and non-binary folks; limited to 8 participants. Read more

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